5 Cleaning Tips to Get Ready for Your Guests 🧽

In the weeks ahead, many family and friends are looking forward to spending time together. Is your home ready? We are here to help!

Happy Tuesday, our Clean Freak Family! We appreciate all of you coming along with us on this crazy cleaning creator adventure! As you have seen from our videos, family and friends are very important to us! Many family and friends are looking forward to spending time together in the weeks ahead. Is your home ready? We are here to help!

Here’s the ultimate question: Do you clean Before or After your guests arrive? If you clean beforehand, your guests will see your home at its sparkling best. But, after the fun and festivities, you may have a huge mess on your hands. If you save some time on cleaning beforehand and wait to clean until after the guests depart: What if they see that hidden dust bunny or cobweb? That can seriously ‘freak out’ Clean Freaks like us!

Here is what we recommend:

1. Balance 

Just remember that the purpose of getting your home ready for guests is for everyone to have an enjoyable time together. Some areas that need a little attention beforehand are probably going to be the bathroom and gathering areas. (Just to set you at ease- Guests usually expect the kitchen to be a little cluttered if you have been cooking and baking all day) When it comes to the bathroom- Most guests won’t be peeking in the shower so focus your attention on a clean mirror, sink, countertop and toilet. In the gathering area, a quick dusting, vacuuming and clean floor should be a doable top priority.

2. Have a Plan

Just like you've given a lot of thought to the food and the guest list, have a cleaning plan! Beforehand, take a little time to think about getting your home ready for guests. Is there an area that needs a little extra attention and freshening up? If you have a little clutter, maybe a closet can be a temporary holding place for the evening. (Just don’t use the closet where the coats go!)

3. Start Early 

Can you do a little deep cleaning in the days leading up to the gathering? Waiting until the last minute can be very stressful. Of course we know: If you have kids, that can be a little challenging. Especially since children are very effective at ‘undoing’ the cleaning we have done. Consider making it a family project. While the kids may not be willing to help with cleaning- Maybe reward them with treats to help keep things clean before the big day!

4. Make it Manageable

When you have a lot going on, cleaning can seem pretty overwhelming. Our best advice is to take a deep breath and break it down into manageable chunks. Think progress over perfection. Have you ever eaten an Elephant? What? Check out Brandon’s video here…

5. Have Fun!

We all lead such busy lives! When you finally have some time to be surrounded by the people you love and care about… Savor and enjoy it! You did your best to make everyone else happy. Now take a little time to soak in the fun and join in the festivities! Being PRESENT with your family and friends is the best ‘present’ you can give them! As a member of our Clean Freak Family- messes can wait! (For a little while at least! LOL)

In need of some new cleaning supplies? Maybe, you're looking to give the gift of clean to a friend or family member? 

Head on over to our store letscleanthatup.com to stock up! 

We will leave with a great thought sent in from Jonathan O.

Did you know? When you clean a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.

See you all next week!

💚 Brandon & James

P.S. If you're new here and want to catch up on previous editions of the Clean Freak Weekly you can find them here!

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