Sponge Wars: The Clean Freaks Strike Back!

In the vast universe of cleaning tools, there exists a legendary weapon against grime known as the sponge.

Happy Cleaning Tuesday! Hello Clean Freak Family!

Okay, we are just going to say it…

We are Clean Freak Geeks! So here goes…

In the vast universe of cleaning tools, there exists a legendary weapon against grime known as the sponge. Just like a Jedi's lightsaber, a sponge wields immense power and finesse in the battle against dirt and grime.

The sponge’s absorbent prowess is like the Force, effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with a Jedi-like precision. So, dear Padawan of cleanliness, grab your sponge, unleash your inner cleaning Jedi, and may the suds be with you!

Sponge 101

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of sponges? These squishy cleaning companions come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures, each with its unique set of superpowers. Join us as we explore the Fantastic Five types of sponges that will revolutionize your cleaning routine:

1. The Scrubby Sponge: Ah, the trusty Scrubby Sponge! With its abrasive surface, this sponge is like a superhero with a gritty side. It fearlessly tackles stubborn stains, grime, and baked-on food, making it the perfect partner for scrubbing pots, pans, and stubborn messes. Its rough texture acts as a gentle exfoliator for your dishes, leaving them shining like new. Just be careful not to unleash its scrubbing power on delicate surfaces!

2. The Microfiber Sponge: Meet the Microfiber Sponge, the maestro of multi-surface cleaning! This sponge boasts an ultra-soft and absorbent microfiber surface that captures dust, dirt, and even microscopic particles with ease. Its gentle touch makes it ideal for delicate surfaces like glass, mirrors, and electronics. The Microfiber Sponge is your go-to for streak-free shine and a dust-free home. It's like having a cleaning genie at your fingertips!

3. The Natural Sponge: Say hello to Mother Nature's gift to cleaning, the Natural Sponge! Made from sustainably harvested sea sponges, this sponge is a marvel of eco-friendliness. In the cleaning realm, it works wonders for washing delicate items and providing a luxurious touch. The Natural Sponge is a reminder that nature knows best when it comes to gentle cleaning.

4. The Cellulose Sponge: Behold, the versatile workhorse of cleaning, the Cellulose Sponge! Made from plant-based materials, this sponge is a champion absorber. Its porous structure soaks up spills, liquids, and messes like a spongey superhero. Whether it's wiping down countertops, mopping up spills, or washing dishes, the Cellulose Sponge is a dependable companion for all your cleaning adventures. Plus, it's biodegradable, making it an eco-friendly choice too!

5. Melamine Sponge: Melamine sponges, also known as magic erasers, are made from a unique melamine foam material. They work wonders in removing stubborn stains, scuffs, and marks from a variety of surfaces. With just a gentle scrub, melamine sponges effortlessly wipe away dirt, grime, and even crayon doodles. Caution: Melamine sponges are abrasive like fine sandpaper. They should never be used on high gloss surfaces.

1. Color Code Your Sponges

Sponges come in a plethora of different colors. By assigning specific color sponges to different cleaning tasks, you become a master of cleanliness and prevent dreaded cross-contamination. With each color having its designated purpose, for example: Green for the sink, Blue for countertops, and Red for Bathroom surfaces. So, grab your color-coded sponges and let the color be your guide!

2. Should You Replace Your Sponges?

While sponges are the humble heroes of hygiene, they can also be secret hideouts for microscopic villains. As they soak up moisture, grime and food particles, sponges create a cozy breeding ground for bacteria to thrive and multiply. These pesky organisms can include E. coli, salmonella, and other harmful pathogens.

That's why it's crucial to remain vigilant, replacing sponges frequently.

Pro Tip: Numerous sources recommend replacing Kitchen Sponges Weekly. (Especially, sponges that come in contact with food preparation surfaces)

Here is a Question We Get Frequently-

What is the Difference Between Scrub Daddy and a Scrub Mommy?

As many of you know, we love having Scrub Daddy products in our go to Cleaning Kit.

Both the Scrub Daddy and the Scrub Mommy are made out of something called FlexTexture®

When used with cold water the FlexTexture® becomes firm, but when you soak them in warm water they become flexible and easily compressed. This helps to have a very versatile sponge that can be used in numerous applications.

Both the Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy are scratch resistant.

The biggest difference between the Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy is when you flip over the Scrub Mommy - it has a side with foam- This foam side is made up of what is called ResoFoam®

ResoFoam® stays soft after it has been wet and then dries. It is also stain and odor resistant. It is great for helping your cleaning products go a long way.

For us we love to use the Scrub Mommy in the Kitchen- It is our go to dish, sink and all around Kitchen Sponge.

The Scrub Daddy is our go to bathroom and all around cleaning sponge. It is great for bathroom sinks and showers!

According to the Scrub Daddy website- Here are some other frequently asked questions:

How long is Sponge Daddy supposed to last?

Like any soft material, FlexTexture® will deteriorate over time with use. Rough surfaces or harsh chemicals will erode the foam faster than with gentle use.

How do I clean my Scrub Daddy?

Hold under warm running water and massage gently. Feel free to add a mild soap if needed.

Is Scrub Daddy top rack dishwasher safe?

Yes, all of our products are top rack dishwasher safe with the exception of Eraser Daddy and Screen Daddy.

Click HERE to learn more about Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy…

Click HERE to learn more about the Scrub Daddy Recycling Rewards Program!

We gave you a lot to ‘absorb’ today! But now you are ready to become a Jedi Master Clean Freak!!!!

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If you are wondering where to find the products we like to use, we put together a full list for you on Amazon.

Amazon Cleaning Supply List: Click HERE to check it out! 



Thanks so much for joining us, see you next week!

💚 Brandon and James

P.S. If you're new here and want to catch up on previous editions of the Clean Freak Weekly you can find them here!

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