Spring Cleaning Spree 2023 - Week 2

As Clean Freaks a clean bathroom is our badge of honor. So, put on your cleaning gloves and get ready to conquer the Porcelain Throne Room!

Happy Tuesday! Greetings our Clean Freak Family!

Our Spring Cleaning Spree 2023 is off to an Awesome Start!

Last week we focused on the Kitchen. This week… it is all things Bathrooms!

As Clean Freaks a clean bathroom is our badge of honor. So, put on your cleaning gloves and get ready to conquer the Porcelain Throne Room.

So let the Spring Cleaning fun continue!

Day 8 Bathroom Countertops, Sinks, Mirrors and Fixtures

Time 30 minutes

Light Fixtures

Start by very carefully remove the light fixture shades (glass)

Then dust and wipe down the fixtures

For the glass shades we like to use: 1 Cup 70% Isopropyl 1 Teaspoon of Dish Soap 1 Cup of Water

Rinse the glass shades, then dry and buff with a dry microfiber towel

Finally, put them back in place.


To prevent streaking, spray with a glass cleaner.

Wipe the mirror down and then come through with a dry microfiber cloth for a quick buff.

Countertops and Sinks

Remove items from the countertop and then dust.

Then spray down the sink and countertop with the same mix listed above.

Give everything a good scrub with a damp towel.

Finally, buff dry with a microfiber towel.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 9 The Bathroom Vanity

Time 25 minutes

Start by mixing a Teaspoon of Dish Soap in a bucket of warm water.

Remove items from drawers and beneath the sink.

Then quickly vacuum the inside of the drawers and under sink area

Next use the 3 Towel System:

The first microfiber towel is dipped in the cleaning solution to clean The second is a damp water only microfiber towel to rinse The third is a dry microfiber towel to dry and buff

With clean towels continue to clean the cabinet exterior doors with the same 3 Towel System.

Before you return items to the drawers, this is also a great opportunity to see what items you don’t use anymore and set aside any item you would like to donate or dispose of.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 10 Clean Bathroom Sink Drains and Traps

Time 1 hour

To start, place a bucket under the sink trap.

Loosen up the trap screw top fasteners and gently remove the trap.

To remove the drain stopper there is usually a rod and nut behind the drain.

Loosen the nut and pull out the rod and it should come free.

Give them a quick rinse and then let them soak for a half hour (longer if needed) in a bucket of hot water, a cup of vinegar and a teaspoon of dish soap.

Then put the trap back in place and tighten the fasteners.

Pour some cleaning vinegar down the drain. give it a quick wipe with a towel, then rinse with water.

Put the drain stopper. Make sure the loop on the bottom is lined up with the rod underneath the sink.

Push the rod through the loop and tighten the nut and give it a test to make sure it is connected properly.

Finally, run some water to make sure there are no leaks and confirm that everything is reconnected correctly.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 11 Tackle the Toilet

Time 15 - 20 minutes

Start by dusting the top and sides of the toilet. (Before putting on any liquid spray cleaners) This removes any hair or other debris from the porcelain.

Remove the toilet seat for deep cleaning.

Thoroughly clean the seat.

To deep clean the toilet we really like the product In-Cide.

(It is a disinfectant and a deodorizing product that smells great)

Pro Tip: If you live in a house with someone who has ‘poor aim.’ We like to use In-Cide to clean the floor around the toilet.

Last but not least, always dry your toilet brush when you are done cleaning the toilet!

Click HERE to see our Toilet Brush Drying Hack!


Day 12 Removing Hard Water Deposits from Faucets and Showerheads

Time Depends on Severity of Hard Water Deposits

Take white vinegar, pour it into a plastic baggie and place around the faucets and shower head.

Leave in place for a few hours, longer if needed.

Remove the baggie and then give the faucet or showerhead a quick wipe with a damp microfiber towel.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 13 Cleaning the Shower

Time 20 minutes

To start, try our DYI Shower Cleaning Mix:

1 Cup Water 1 Cup Vinegar 1 Teaspoon Dish Soap

For Showers that need more attention we like to use Barkeeper’s Friend More Spray.

Pro Tip: Use a soft bristle drill brush for scrubbing!

If you don’t have a soft bristle drill brush you can always use a non-scratch scrub sponge.

Rinse with a cup or use the shower head if it has a detachable sprayer.

Finally, wipe everything down and buff with a dry microfiber towel.

Pro Tip: For soap scum on the non slip shower floor (The bumpy part) we like to use Bar Keeper’s Soft Cleanser and a soft bristle drill brush for scrubbing.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 14 Clean Fabric Shower Liner and Clean Bathroom Vents

Time Depends on Soak Time

Fabric Shower Liner

Fill a plastic container with some warm water and add Oxiclean (About ½ Cup)

Let the Fabric Shower Liner soak for a minimum of 3 - 4 hours.

Afterwards, run it through the washing machine on a gentle cycle.

Allow to air dry.

Bathroom Vents

Remove the vent cover is possible.

(Usually there are two clips on each side)

Give the inside a quick vacuum.

Next vacuum both sides of the vent cover.

If the vent cover is sticky, give it a quick scrub and rinse.

Let air dry and then put back in place.

Click NOW to watch HERE!

Day 15 REST and ENJOY your Clean Kitchen and Bathroom

You are halfway through the Spring Cleaning Spree!

Celebrate! Go get some ice cream, listen to your favorite music or do whatever you want to do to relax!

You earned it! So ENJOY!

Pro Tip: Taking breaks during big projects like Spring Cleaning may seem counter intuitive, but it’s good to take a moment to reflect on how much you’ve got done and enjoy the hard work you’ve completed so far. Let’s all recharge our batteries! We hope you have sunshine where you are, and know we are so grateful for you taking this journey with us!

If you are wondering where to find the products we like to use, we put together a full list for you on Amazon.

Amazon Cleaning Supply List: Click HERE to check it out!


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Thanks so much for joining us, see you next week!

💚 Brandon and James

P.S. If you're new here and want to catch up on previous editions of the Clean Freak Weekly you can find them here!

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